Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Pjevanje Bigorski manastir

Nijedan pravoslavni cd nije mi donio toliko uzdaha kao nekoliko prvih pjesama sa početka ovog albuma.

 ... Today, when the holy monastic life was revived at the Bigor monastery (called St. John of the Bigor and settled in western part of the Republic of Macedonia), better and God-inspired conditions were created for the development of the Macedonian ecclesiastical singing, the so called 'Byzantine singing'. Thanks to the abbot of the Bigor monastery of St. John the Baptist, Archimandrite Parthenius and his reverend brotherhood, monastic singing is being learnt and used by many talented singers in the Macedonian Orthodox Church.

 CD1 link (flac - 415 MB):  

CD2 link (flac - 412 MB):

booklet, scans link (flac - 58 MB):


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